This is partly what has been keeping us busy over the past few months. It provides us warmth, cooking and entertainment. Yes, people pay for the snap, crackle and pop of a good wood fire at a romantic winter retreat on a ranch. But then… there is the non-stop fun of putting out embers jumping… Read More

We always get so excited to have the first lamb….and the last lamb arrive. The first is so unexpected, you can never tell exactly when they might arrive, the last lamb is a breath of fresh air as the lambing season has ended ( along with the late nights and early mornings) A set of… Read More

Designing a website is no piece of cake – especially if you are working long distance with someone like me. Really, I can be difficult. Thank goodness for Elisabeth, she keeps me on track and has been my mentor in many thing tech. We have been working on this all new website for our ranch… Read More

today we have a few falling however as far as winter goes this one has been a peach! New Year’s day we were looking out at bare green pastures, the sheep and beef were looking longingly out at the fields wanting to graze. Would have loved to let them out but they would have really… Read More

A new year and a new website! Our winter is literally flying by us, spring will be here soon with the new babies in tow. Check us out on Facebook for updates on what we and our animals are up to. We have been busily cutting wood and feeding wood stoves, putting bale after bale out… Read More

and other sundry items.  Cleaning in of itself  is not exactly exciting, enthralling or much reveled in….but the effects are amazing! Today I cleaned the chicken pen out and it is ready for our lovely silver laced wyandottes. As I was taking out all the lovely compost, nitrogen rich and waiting to fertilize some patch… Read More