
Showing posts from 2024.

August 2024 CSA CHICKEN IS BACK We ran out of chicken way back in March…. If you are salivating at the thought of grilled chicken, chicken pasta salad, BBQ chicken or any other variation, the wait is over! The Stutzman’s suprised us and were able to make 4 of our processing dates, which made the… Read More

July 2024 CSA Newsletter Summer Snoozing Siestas are key. They might not be long, maybe 20 minutes, other days a full hour to put your feet up and rest. Early mornings are a must on the ranch. We release the chicks from their predator haven ( shed)  to fresh grass and their grain breakfast. Then… Read More

June 2024 CSA Newsletter Grazing Season A few days ago we put the very heavily pregnant cows across the road onto fresh grass. A few kicked up their heels in excitement but mostly that was left to the young ones. They were happy to taste the luscious grass, lounge in the shade of trees and… Read More

May 2024 CSA Newsletter   Introductions I forget that some of you are very new to our ranch (WELCOME!!) and haven’t heard our story or who is behind those boxes of meat that arrive at your door. John & I are both from non-farm backgrounds. Southern PA for him and Albany area for me. Both… Read More

PICKUP POLICY You may pick up your order at the Ranch location. We’re open to scheduled pick-ups Monday – Saturday OR you may pick up anytime during our store hours; Thursday & Friday from 2 PM to 5 PM and Saturdays from 9 AM to 4 PM. We look forward to serving you! Address: 293 Old Canton Road,… Read More

April 2024 CSA Newsletter An early start to the season and it is welcomed. A new batch of pigs should be arriving next week and our meat chicks in about 4 weeks! Speaking of early, Easter is in March this year… say what? A CSA member asked if we could ship their share early –… Read More

March 2024 CSA Newsletter A brisk morning start of 12F for Eathon and Cole who are heading up to our butcher to pick up the beef & pork for your CSA shares. I’m getting this newsletter ready to send out and pondering what to make for lunch. Aretha Franklin was interviewed and asked what the… Read More

February 2024 CSA Newsletter Spent my evening going through pictures on my phone to help create some more space. Deleting parts lists, pasture observation pics, way too many puppy pics and more. It also took me down memory lane. Was it just 8 months ago we moved the studio freezer to the new building? Has… Read More

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