C.S.A is Community Supported Agriculture

So…a couple of special dates are coming up. One is my birthday….. I know, they come around faster every year! The other is the the one year mark on our new CSA model. We transitioned late last year to a more monthly, subscription based model and broke it up so that instead of sending 100 shares on ONE day, we are sending shares out every week – making this a lot more fun, usable and flexible for both you and us.

Y’all have been amazing! Shifting into the new setup and sharing it with friends, many who became new members!

OK, so onto the Giveaway! We are giving away a ONE Month CSA share to the winner. Did you sign up for a Small All Beef, that is what you win! Or a Large Beef, Pork & Chicken? – yours free and to be shipped in November.

How to enter – Simple and FUN!

  1. Are you a member, great! If you are not – just join by midnight October 14th 2018. Winner to be announced on Oct 15th!
  2. We want to see your face! Send us a quick pic/video ( Instagram/Facebook/YouTube) answering this question OR leave your answer below in the comments. and tag us with the hashtag #8oclockranchgiveaway

‘Why is eating 8 O’clock Ranch’s pastured meat/poultry important to you?’ 

This is such a huge question and we see some amazing stride happening with how we look at food, the affect it has on our bodies and mind and what that investment means long term to not only ourselves but the world we live in.

Looking forward to hearing from you all! – Kassandra

Deadline to enter both the video/pic or blog comment as well as becoming a member is Oct 14th, 2018. We reserve the right to use your comments and/or video/pic to share with others on our website and newsletter.


5 Responses

  1. purple dragon says:

    My head and heart say, “I am a city girl, so joining EIght O’Clock Ranch is the closest I can come to being the ranching change I want to see in our world and our economy.” My stomach just says, “Yum. Get more.” #8oclockranchgiveaway

  2. Paula says:

    I want the healthiest options I can get, grass fed meat. Thanks!

  3. Kelsey Marksteiner, RD says:

    Knowing how important the quality of our food is for both our personal health and the health of our planet makes it important to me to eat high-quality meat that was raised with care. Eight O’Clock delivers on both fronts!

  4. Cara Bier says:

    We love the taste and quality of the meat and chicken we receive in our share from 8o’clock ranch. They provide amazing customer service as well and will answer any questions you may have. Thank you for doing what you do!!

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