John putting in bracing on the new building

The Shepherd at work

Our Christmas Present

Not a new building, not a new telehandler, but the Shepherd himself. Scratching your head? Read on…

Ok, this could be a long post, but so, so good.

Two and a half years ago, our processor discontinued its USDA inspection which meant some very dark days ahead. Without that magical stamp upon our meat, it made it *almost* impossible to continue this business that we had scraped and scrimped for, begged animals to live, to thrive, for pastures to flourish, for the food that graced our table. Yet….who really can take someone down?  A month of living with questions settling around us like dust and a phone call came, with a surprising job offer.

Now, you might ask, how do you take on another job while already in full time ranch work? Ha! Answer, you just sleep less.

John took this offer, and for the past 2.5 years has sacrificially kept a 2nd shift job in addition to the many, many hours he put in here. We stepped up, of course and took over many jobs, tightened our belts and found that our business wasn’t totally out of the question a few months later. It would be restricted, but not out of the game!

Cole feeding a beef calf

Cole taking care of Micro

The boys grew strong, and capable in ways we hadn’t imagined. We grew closer together as a couple and most of all, we learned, deep down, in our bones, that.


The boys grew strong, and capable in ways we hadn’t imagined. Instead of helping us, they were taking charge, offering their ideas and getting excited.  We grew closer together as a couple and most of all, we learned, deep down, in our bones, that this was true.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 NIV

We asked. The plan was for spring of 2017 but alas, after reviewing the avalanche of work that was going to start taking us under, that date was moved up. He gave notice mid December and the last day was December 23rd. This, was our best Christmas season, ever.

If you made it all the way through, thank you. For reading, for caring, for sharing kind, encouraging words when we were in our darkest moments. You will NEVER understand how we cherished them.

Also, HOORAY for 2017!!


Happy 2017


2 Responses

  1. Dee Greenwood says:

    You’re back!!! YEA! I’m so glad for you and also for me. Looking forward to my new order. Since last I was able to order my husband passed so new orders won’t be as big, but I will support you as much as I can.

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