Today I received a call from a guy who was trying to sell us customized plastic bags….not really sure why a ranch selling meat would need these? The guy who introduced me sounded like he was either having a rough day or it was just one of many days that stretched innumerably into the future. Make call, introduce product, hope to make a sale and all for what? A paycheck to be sure, perhaps a promotion down the road however it just did not seem as though this guys heart was into selling me his plastic bags. What I regret is ending the call with  “we don’t really use plastic bags” and instead ask him,  “how is your day? do you enjoy your work? if not, why not go and realize you dream,” whatever one he might have and go for it.  A phone call like that brings me to my knees in thankfulness of what we are doing, me personally, my husband, our kids. We are living our dream.

So, if you ever hear me griping, remind me of this.


2 Responses

  1. Kristan says:

    I can say that I definitely do not love what I do. However, I’m trying to work towards a degree that will hopefully get me there someday. In the meantime I try to be thankful each day that I at least have the job that I have – as I know so many are struggling right now to find one. I hope to someday be in the position to live my dream just as you and your family are 🙂

    Until then, I’ll eat the meat you send to me and be thankful for that!!

    • Kassandra says:

      Ahh Kristan! Can’t say we have always done what we love either. However, just as you are doing, we dream, we work and it continues to be a work in progress. In the meantime, I pray you are blessed for your good attitude right now and get to enjoy your dreams very shortly!

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