C.S.A is Community Supported Agriculture So…a couple of special dates are coming up. One is my birthday….. I know, they come around faster every year! The other is the the one year mark on our new CSA model. We transitioned late last year to a more monthly, subscription based model and broke it up so… Read More

Never seen your face. “I’ve never even seen your face!” – A customer. That is because I was ashamed. How can I share my passion with you when I’m so clearly not the poster child for healthy living? I’m smiling here and for the first time ever, comfortable and happy in my own skin. Am… Read More

Just park it for me. Ranch kids get asked to do a ton of things, early. Fetch this, hold this animals head, find baler twine. Use to using all manner of 4 wheel drive equipment, you have to learn a new skill set when you revert back to a two wheel drive van. Cole was… Read More

It is 3am and I am sitting at the computer checking the weather to see what near death experiences we are to endure for the week when a pop-up ad for women’s clothing appears. I click, bringing forth a plethora of tropical colors for swim wear. Now my wife does not look like a toothpick… Read More

Duck, Turkey & Chicken Slivers of green grass are shooting towards the sun! The bare pastures already have a hint of green that grows stronger every day. The temperature topped out at just under 50F and we are shaking our heads that it is still February.  I’m sure we will have a few snowfalls before… Read More

What might my CSA share contain? Here are what CSA shares that have gone out in the past few months have had in them. They will change from month to month and if you have a request for a certain cut, let us know and we will include it if we can. Small Share (… Read More

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