
Showing posts marked with the tag lambing.

March 2023 CSA Newsletter Tis the season of lambs. Heavy ewes trundle about through snow, wider than ever. Then, one by one, they give up their young to the frosty exterior with its crisp air and inhospitable snow. It truly amazes me that in minutes, these little wet lambs will be up on their legs,… Read More

February 2023 CSA Newsletter Not quite February, but the days seem to be slipping through our fingers. Somehow, in the midst of snow storms where days disappear, the sun has started to rise a little earlier. Delivery days locally use to be in the dark and now the pinky warmth of the rising sun comes… Read More

Just park it for me. Ranch kids get asked to do a ton of things, early. Fetch this, hold this animals head, find baler twine. Use to using all manner of 4 wheel drive equipment, you have to learn a new skill set when you revert back to a two wheel drive van. Cole was… Read More

History…. Totally missed last weeks letter to you. Sunday was a blip on the radar…. soup made, off to church, back home for soup, bread and cheese and then off to see a niece practice her figure skating, back home, checked the animals, let the dogs run and back to feed the stoves. A week… Read More

April 2017 Meat CSA Newsletter Good afternoon Members! Just about finished with lambing for the year. As exciting as we are to begin, by the end we are dragging ourselves to the home plate. Read more about what lambing is like below. A big THANK YOU for everyone helping us out on our lack of… Read More

February 2017 CSA Newsletter Good afternoon! For your third and last share of the Winter season we are being packing tomorrow ( so please let us know ASAP what you would like). My apologies in the lateness of this email. It has been a very full week, thankful for that fullness and looking forward to a… Read More

Three solid weeks of lambing, including one day that I was away and Eathon & Cole managed eight ewes who lambed throughout the day. Poor guys had a cold but persevered to make sure each ewe and her lambs were jugged, given fresh hay & water and given time to bond with the lambs. We… Read More

Feels like Spring, right?! We go between mid 50’s and well, snow. Winter may be officially over but I think he is shrugging off the bits of snow from his shoulders before he finally walks away. Enjoying the last few days of fire lit evenings, candles still glowing before the endless summer days of sunshine… Read More

We always get so excited to have the first lamb….and the last lamb arrive. The first is so unexpected, you can never tell exactly when they might arrive, the last lamb is a breath of fresh air as the lambing season has ended ( along with the late nights and early mornings) A set of… Read More

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